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Thursday, May 14, 2009

11 Months Later...

Well sorry for the long gap... I'm sure you all have been waiting for ages to hear from me. Jess and I are now married and have been for a good nine months. i love the girl to death, especially now that I don't have school and we can just hang out together every night. She has been a great addition in my life and I'm super thankful for her. Hopefully she says about the same, but as most of you know me, it could be a different story... Hopefully I'll be able to add some pics in the coming weeks, but until then, feel lucky you even got this out of me...

Friday, May 30, 2008

One and a half months later

Well I guess it's about time for another update. I practically forgot that i even had the old blog. I know pretty rude of me for all of you dedicated blog hoppers, that do nothing else with your lives... Anywho... Things are swell and what not. I am paying my dues with the Staker Parson Companies and I am really enjoying myself. The fam is headed out to San Diego in the next couple of weeks and i am pretty stoked about it. Plans for the wedding, you ask? Jessica is doing a mighty fine job with them and I am doing a mighty fine job of supporting. I love that girl, she's a good egg. We're gonna have a ball togeth... Oh yea and I will be wearing a brown tux... Enough said...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Just another week...

Well another week is over and I am as tired as I have ever been. Moab was a ton of fun and we definitely got our money’s worth. In the two days that we were down there we went on four different rides. My favorite ride would have either been the baby steps single track or the sovereign trail(even though I ate it pretty well on it). As some of you may have noticed I do have a pretty good sized scar on my elbow form taking the rock out on my way down the trail. When it happened that was the first place I looked. I thought I was good because I didn’t see any blood, but the next time we stopped I noticed blood had dripped on to my shorts and it was all bloody and mixed with the powder they call dirt that had been on my elbow. Pretty exciting, huh? Anywho, Because of that trip I had to postpone my O Chem test to Monday, but no worries I still don’t feel so well about it, it was that hard that after 12-13 hours of studying I still didn’t know everything. Each day this week I have had the OPPORTUNITY to wake up at 6:30 or earlier, and boy it has been a joy! Let’s just say that Saturday morning will come with a happy Jordan to those who are lucky enough to see me. And that about sums it up… Except that on Saturday MXPX will be in Logan, and you can count on me being there!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I love school!!

Well this week has been a bundle of joy!! Three tests and one lab report, all intermixed with a little work. It's a good thing Hell is not in my vocabulary because if it was I might have said that it was one of those weeks. Other than that things have been nice. Jessica is madly in love with me so that's always a plus, and things will probably even be better once we are married, Except for the whole money thing... oh well! I'm pretty stroked though because I am headed down to Moab with the boys on Friday for the weekend and it should be a good time for all. So... yea...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Let the Games Begin...

Well boys and girls I think it about time that I jump the band wagon and get myself a little blog... There's not a lot more to say, except that in the coming weeks I hope to be able to change the color of my star to a little more masculine color... until the next time adieu...